E-Commerce Packaging

E-Commerce Packaging

Have you ever received something you ordered online that was literally tossed into a box, completely unsecured, with nothing protecting your item? You will always remember your first thought upon opening that package. E-commerce packaging is more important than ever before, because a first impression is a lasting impression.

Smart brands take the time to ensure their product packaging will not only improve their brand image, but leave their customers feeling positive and looking forward to ordering again and again.

At A&H Worldwide, we have the expertise to help you create e-commerce packaging solutions that will engage your customers and keep them coming back for more.

The “Unboxing” Experience


In today’s world of social media influence, “unboxing” has gone from being a seasonal pleasure, to a powerful e-commerce marketing tool. Unboxing experiences are showing up on all of the social media platforms at an unprecedented rate. This means free marketing for your brand. The excitement and anticipation of what is inside the package is making for literally millions of “unboxing” videos that are spreading throughout the world with unprecedented speed. Unboxing has become such a huge part of the shopping experience, that there are now over 1.6 million videos on YouTube devoted to it, with popular video’s drawing in as many as 2.4 billion views. Don’t miss the mark with your e-commerce packaging.

Our expert sales and customer service teams can help you design your product packaging for the ultimate “unboxing” experience! Call today for a free quote.

We are deeply committed to the success of our customers. We strive to maintain long-term relationships by providing a central resource where all aspects of brilliant packaging, from start to finish, can come together with consistency and expert execution .