
Just A Fad, or Here To Stay?

Aged, old fashioned and antiquated are just a few words that could be used to describe what “vintage” means. So, what is it really?

We did a bit of research and found that most experts agree, an item that is 40-50 years old could be considered vintage, while antiques are items that are at least 100 years old.

So why is “vintage” making a comeback? Over the past few years, there has been a rise in consignment selling and buying in an effort to reduce the carbon footprint of our closets. Just as this eco-friendly shopping phenomenon has taken off, so has the interest in all things vintage. Over the past two years of living through a pandemic, people are searching for more meaningfulness and a better understanding of what is important to them post covid. We find ourselves yearning for days gone by, wondering what it might have been like back 50 years ago, and the simpleness of it all. Older style clothing, jewelry and accessories have suddenly become the go to item for new, modern vintage wardrobe additions. Designer replica’s from decades ago are reaching center stage again, this time with more excitement than perhaps ever before. Those seeking these types of items feel they have a deeper meaning than something brand new, more style and personality, and feel they bring us closer to a time period we are all so eager to go back to. For many vintage lovers, this style creates a sense of peace and harmony after a few years of pandemic turmoil.

This mode of “eco-friendly” shopping aligns with the increasing popularity of all things sustainable. Our planet has taken a front row seat, as people become more aware that we need to take better care of it. In its own right, buying vintage is an act of eco-consciousness.

For product packaging, vintage designs, patterns and styles are making a huge comeback. Vintage packaging creates a nostalgic feeling for the consumer, taking them back to an easier time in life.

For more information on how we can incorporate vintage into your next packaging project, call 401-943-5040 or email


When in doubt...DON’T Throw It Out!


Kintsugi and Packaging